
Yellow Submarine Songtrack

Yellow Submarine Songtrack


All tracks on the album has been digitally re-mastered and restored, so as to make them much more clearer than before. It is also be coupled with the video, LD, and DVD re-release of the film.

  • Release Date
    September 13, 1999
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    Apple [Parlophone] 521 4812 (stereo only)
  • Track-listing
    Yellow Submarine
    Hey Bulldog
    Eleanor Rigby
    Love You To
    All Together Now
    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
    Think For Yourself
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    With A Little Help From My Friends
    Baby, You're A Rich Man
    Only A Northern Song
    All You Need Is Love
    When I'm Sixty-four
    Nowhere Man
    It's All Too Much

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