
I Found Out

  • Composer
    John Lennon
  • Lead Vocalists
    John Lennon

I told you before, stay away from my door
Don't give me that brother, brother, brother, brother
The freaks on the phone, won't leave me alone
So don't give me that brother, brother, brother, brother
I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Now that I showed you what I been through
Don't take nobody's word what you can do
There ain't no Jesus gonna come from the sky
Now that I found out I know I can cry
I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Some of you sitting there with your cock in your hand
Don't get you nowhere, don't make you a man
I heard something about my ma and my pa
They didn't want me so they made me a star
I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Old Hare Krishna got nothing on you
Just keep you crazy with nothing to do
Keep you occupied with pie in the sky
There ain't no guru who can see through your eyes
I, I found out!
I, I found out!

I've seen through junkies I been through it all
I've seen religion from Jesus to Paul
Don't let them fool you with dope and cocaine
No one can harm you, feel yoru own pain
But I, I found out!
I, I found this out!
I, I found out!
Oh! (fade out)

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