
Oh Yoko!

  • Composer
    John Lennon
  • Lead Vocalists
    John Lennon

In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, my love will turn you on

In the middle of a bath
In the middle of a bath I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, my love will turn you on
My love will turn you on

In the middle of a shave
In the middle of a shave I cal your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, my love will turn you on

In the middle of a dream
In the middle of a dream I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, my love will turn you on
My love will turn you on [Alright!

In the middle of a cloud
In the middle of a cloud I call your name
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, my love will turn you on
Oh Yoko, oh Yoko, oh Yoko, oh Yoko

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