
The Sheik Of Araby (Decca Audition)

  • Composer
  • Lead Vocalists
    George Harrison

Well I'm the sheik of Araby
Your love belongs to me
Well at night where you're asleep
Into your tent I'll creep

The stars that shine above
Will light our way to love
Ah you rule this world with me
I'm the sheik of Araby

Well I'm the sheik of Araby
Your love belongs to me
Wow oh at night where you're asleep
Into your tent I'll creep

The sun that shines above
Will light our way to love
You rule this world with me
I'm the sheik of Araby
Well I'm the sheik of Araby
Well I'm the sheik of Araby, yeah

[The sheik of Araby...]

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