
Twin Freaks

Twin Freaks


This is the digital album format for the vinyl album released on the same date.

  • Release Date
    June 13, 2005
  • Label / Catalog number / Format
    MPL/Parlophone -
  • Track-listing
    Really Love You (Twin Freaks remix)
    Long Haired Lady (Reprise) (Twin Freaks remix)
    Rinse The Raindrops (Twin Freaks remix)
    Darkroom (Twin Freaks remix)
    Live And Let Die (Twin Freaks remix)
    Temporary Secretary (Twin Freaks remix)
    What's That You're Doing? (Twin Freaks remix)
    Oh Woman, Oh Why? (Twin Freaks remix)
    Mumbo (Twin Freaks remix)
    Lalula (Twin Freaks remix)
    Coming Up (Twin Freaks remix)
    Maybe I'm Amazed (Twin Freaks remix)

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