Just leave it to me
Now don't you ever be changed
Just give me a chance
And I'll take care of everything
Your troubles I share
Ah let me know and I'll be there
I'll take care, take care of you
Any place and everywhere
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can
Be truthful to me
And I'll be truthful to you
But I'm in love, I'm in love with your soul
And I don't know just what to do
So let's call it a day
I've said all I've got to say
Except oh yeah baby you got to learn how to pray
And shake a hand every day, ooh hoo hoo
Be truthful to me
And I'll be truthful to you
I'm in love, I'm in love with your soul
And I don't know just what to do
So shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can
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