
12-Bar Original

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr

Part of take 2 - released on Anthology 2 album

Recording Sessions

Studio Two, Abbey Road EMI Studios, London, England - November 4 and 30, 1965


On Novebmer 4, 1965, the Beatles had took a new attempt - recording an instrumental piece for the first time since signing with EMI in 1962. This instrumental piece, "12-Bar Original", was recorded in two takes and take two was in fact complete, running to an uncommonly long 6 minutes 36 seconds. Although not included on Rubber Soul, this take was mixed and later edited to 2 minutes 54 seconds for Anthology 2.

The song was essentially just a rambling 12-bar blues, typical of Booker T and the MG's. It was recorded live, without overdubs, with George's tone-pedal lead guitar work and George Martin's harmonium to the fore, augmented by John's lead guitar, Paul's bass and Ringo's drums.

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